The Quality inspection department consists of 15 professional members, and our products will leave the factory only after aseries of strict inspections, the inferior parts of our factory occured less than 1% of all products.
The trademark "tesla" has been registered by our factory. about more than 2 new products will be created and pushed out by our factory for one month and almost all main popular products on the market will also be provided.
Taking "customer goes first, customer is the god" as the principle, our factory will always try our best to meet the needs of our customers and strive for becoming a first-class international brand.
Our warehouse in America is under construction, after a while, the delivery of products will be arranged directly by our warehouse in America, so the delivery time will become more fast than before.
Specificationsvanilla mod specification:
2.copper electrode.
3.spring srew.
4.locking key function.
Product DescriptionCopper vanilla mod description:
vanilla mod is 405 the newest mod .
1. Have two pipe matching, can use 18650/18350 respectively
2. Red copper electrode, conductive performance is good
3. Appearance design coordinated proportion, beautiful, comfortable feel
4. The hide buttons, don't lock key can with stand place
5. Key lock function
Contact us:
Mr Bobby Tang
TEL: +8-6-7-5-5-2-5-3-3-3-3-3-1
FAX: +8-6-7-5-5-2-5-3-3-8-2-4-7
QQ: 2-2-4-7-9-1-2-1-4
Company Address:South 3F,B# Building,No.71-2 Xintian Road, Fuyong Street,Baoan district,Shenzhen, 518103 China